About Us

Weight Control of Texas is a doctor supervised diet clinic. Established nearly 48 years ago, we offer multiple weight loss programs including lipotropic injections as well as low calorie, but, sustainable diets coupled with HCG injections. HCG has been shown to mobilize abnormal fat and make it available to the body as a source of energy and nutrients.

The HCG protocol calls for a 500 to 750 calorie per day diet. If someone were to start a 500 to 750 calorie per day diet without HCG he or she would experience hunger, cravings, feelings of misery and a loss of structural fat and muscle mass. However, a 500-750 calorie per day diet on HCG, a patient typically loses 3 to 7 pounds of abnormal fat on average per week. Each pound of fat contains approximately 3500 calories. If people lose one pound of abnormal fat in one day, that makes 3500 calories available to them. This gives patients access to adequate amounts of energy because the rest of the calories are generated internally through the breakdown of fat deposits (lipolysis). Therefore, the patient is not hungry and loses weight.

All medication is prescribed by our doctor. Our staff are medically licensed personnel that see our patients 3 times per week. They are trained in nutrition to help you reach your ultimate weight loss goal. They are also there to analyze each individuals progress to achieve the maximum weight loss and personalize the program to fit your individual needs.

We sell a wide variety of protein products as well as zero-calorie salad dressings.

We also provide a free maintenance program for when you have reached your goal that will help you to maintain your weight.

Consultations are free of charge and are encouraged prior to starting your diet.